Tech Tip

Fundraising Insights

Increase Followers of your Catholic Parish Facebook Page
Recently Prenger Solutions Group conducted a Catholic parish survey assessing the giving practices and social ...
Improve Your Parish’s Online Giving Form
Your parishioners’ time is precious, and you want to make it easy for them to give; the number one way to do this ...
Beginning with Facebook Insights for your Catholic Parish
If you’re administering your Catholic parish Facebook page, spend a little time each week using Insights. Just log ...
Online Surveys at the Parish
Whether you’re planning a change in the Mass schedule or gauging interest in a new program, you can use online ...
Choose See First in Facebook
You’re working hard to expand your parish’s social media presence; the easiest way is to teach your followers to ...
Offertory and Online Giving
Our team is always looking at ways to make giving to the local parish more convenient. For most people, that means ...
Know Your Social Media Genres
Know your social media genres! It can be a challenge to manage multiple social media accounts. If your Catholic ...
Social Media’s 80/20 Rule
Do you know social media's 80/20 rule? It's the same as the 80/20 rule in other areas of Catholic parish life. If ...
Fundraising Letters or Emails?
It's an age-old question: fundraising letters or emails? If you’re responsible for your church's annual ...
Try Out Ringless Voicemails
There are dozens of ways you can connect to your parishioners these days. These include e-newsletters, emails, ...
Parish Facebook Categories Matter
Facebook categorizes all organization pages into different groups. However, if your parish's Facebook page was set ...
Use the Newsfeed for Good
Ever wondered how the Facebook newsfeed works? As of 2019, it takes into account millions of factors when ...
First Impressions and Profile Pictures
First impressions and profile pictures are funny things. We all know by now that first impressions matter just as ...
Claim Your Church’s Vanity URL
In recent years, Facebook has added a "vanity URL" or "username" feature to all Pages, including your parish page. ...
Shorten Links Easily with
Your parish website is likely a simple, concise variation of your church name and/or city, and therefore it is ...
Using Facebook Business Manager
Are you using Facebook Business Manager? Most parishes manage their Facebook page from the personal account of a ...
Scheduling Meetings at Your Parish
Ever had trouble scheduling meetings at your parish? Scheduling parish council meetings, ministry activities or ...
User Friendly Online Forms
By now, most parishes have transitioned to online forms for event sign-ups, registrations, ticket sales and ...
Using Task Management Systems
If you’re having a hard time keeping track of all the daily, weekly and monthly tasks required to keep your parish ...
A Magic Wand for Excel
There are only a small number of events in your life that are so meaningful and powerful that the memories stay ...
The Value of an Email Address
When our team conducted a national research project focused on giving trends in Catholic parishes, we asked ...
Incentivize Your Church Census
Even though it's deep winter, no doubt your calendar is already filling up with all the parish activities you're ...
A Future Without Bulletins?
The Sunday bulletin has been a staple of Catholic life in North America for more than 75 years. But as almost all ...
Using ABOUT on Facebook
Facebook followers are often your most faithful parishioners. They not only fill the pews each week, but they are ...
Publish Your Mass Times Everywhere
What are 95% of the visitors to your parish website looking for? Mass times. That's it. This was brought home to ...
Publishing Mass Times on Facebook
Earlier this month I mentioned that 95% of your website visitors are just looking for Mass times. The same is true ...
Your Communications and Your Mission
In a previous post, I discussed the 8:1 communications rule - share eight pieces of good news for every one ...
Protect Your Parish Brand
By now, most Catholic churches have staked out their territory online and claimed a catchy web address and ...
Online Giving Beyond Sunday
At CSM we are always encouraging our clients to optimize technology. Part of the optimization we recommend to our ...
Find Broken Links on Your Website
It's a website admin's worst nightmare: old broken links that frustrate your site's visitors, but that you don't ...
Put Limits on Screen Time
St. Simon Sylites is one of the strangest saints we have. He lived on top of a pillar in the middle of a city for ...
Other Benefits of Facebook Live
Facebook Live is a powerful tool that parishes and schools can use to share live video from events, ceremonies, ...
The ColorPick Eyedropper
If you or someone else in the parish office is doing graphic design, you know that matching colors can be ...
Verifying Email Addresses
We all have old email addresses we're not proud of. Sure, there was a time when emailing your friends from ...
Internal Linking
If you've ever wondered why your parish's website isn't getting better search engine results, take a look at your ...
Get Website Alerts
Today I’m going to share some information about a great free tool out there that we use all the time in our ...
The New Digital Evangelization
Ever since Pope Saint John Paul II coined the phrase, the Church has been laser-focused on the New Evangelization. ...
Writing a Great Email
We use emails for everything. We use email to ask questions, to delegate tasks, to confirm plans and to provide ...
Use Bullets and Numbered Lists
Your pastor is busy. Your committee chairs have day jobs. Your volunteers are being pulled in a million different ...
Should Your Parish Offer WiFi?
Every year we are drawing closer to the moment when every man, woman, and child has an internet-enabled device on ...
Get Professional Email Addresses
Did you know the first email was sent 48 years ago? Every year we work with dozens of parishes that appear to be ...
Slide shows on Facebook
Facebook is always adding new types of posts that can help you increase your reach and engagement. One type that ...
Running an effective meeting
Do you ever walk out of a meeting and find yourself thinking, “Did we actually accomplish anything in there?” ...
Register as a charity on Facebook
Ever spotted one of those "Birthday Fundraisers" on Facebook? You know, your friend Helen says she'd like people ...
Using Facebook’s Profanity Filter
Every now and again, someone will wander onto your parish's Facebook page, disparaging the Church or people of ...
Audits for your Website
The dream scenario for any parish is that when people type its name into Google, the parish website is the first ...
WP Theme Detector to Analyze Sites
Do you like the way that website you're browsing looks? There's a decent chance some portion of it is run ...
Social Media Management Tools
Do you find it challenging to keep up with the activity on your parish Facebook page? Has your parish Twitter page ...
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words
In the past, I've touched on the importance of bullet points and numbered lists. But even more effective than good ...
Using AmazonSmile at Your Parish
According to Statista, there will be a projected 2.14 billion online shoppers by 2021. With these kinds of ...
Who Should Send the Email?
People receive around 100 emails per day, a mind-bending mix of work-related communications, solicitations from ...
Spring Cleaning Emails
Keeping your organization’s contact information current and clean is a never-ending process. We’ve talked about it ...
Getting in Touch
If you're watching the news about the further spread of coronavirus and wondering, "What are some ways we can be ...
Livestreaming Mass Right Now
As we move into month six of the coronavirus pandemic, some parishes are wondering, "Should we just direct people ...
Picture Frames and Pinned Posts
With public Masses suspended across the United States, this past spring charitable contributions were in freefall ...
Growing Your Following
As social distancing and shelter in place orders began to take effect across North America this past spring, our ...
Should We Pray Digitally?
Smartphones have forever changed the way we live, and more than 90% of people in North America are now carrying ...
Google Trends at the Parish
Google Trends is an incredible resource - an up-to-the-minute look at what people are typing into the most popular ...
Reasons for Hope
The coronavirus pandemic is continuing to do harm to our society in a myriad of ways, but there are some reasons ...
If It’s Free, You’re the Product
Your eyes have likely glazed over at the number of "free offers" you're receiving right now. The pandemic's effect ...
Returning to Old Posts
Our director, John, recently had an interesting conversation with a Catholic Social Media subscriber in Nebraska. ...
The Need for Speed
We have all found ourselves frustrated at some point about a web page not loading as fast as we would like. In our ...
Update Your Mass Times
Advent is almost upon us , which means it's time to publish your Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Mass ...
Mass times are published elsewhere
A few days ago we shared advice on how and where to update your Christmas Mass times (see here). But did you know ...
Publishing Parish Reports
A few weeks ago, this parish report, delivered via YouTube from a pastor in Oklahoma, caught our team's attention. ...
How Spammy Is Your Parish Email?
We are sending more emails than ever, and billions of messages crisscross the globe each day. For every legitimate ...
Parish Cost-Benefit Analysis
As a parish, we are concerned with human persons, and yet so often we have tasks on our to-do list that keep us ...
Archiving Parish Livestreams?
Since the coronavirus pandemic hit America in February 2020, almost every parish in the country has livestreamed ...
Remove Backgrounds with Photo Scissors
If you've ever needed to remove a background from a photo but didn't quite know the best way to do it, we'd ...
Eliminate Role-Based Email Addresses
Some years ago, it was popular to create role-based email addresses at companies and non-profits, addresses like ...
If This Then That
We live in the age of Web 2.0, an Internet culture dominated by two things: social media and apps. However, apps ...
Scan like a Pro
We have all had that moment - you have a pile of paper documents in front of you and you want to scan them, turn ...
Does Your Parish Need a Hashtag?
We get this question a lot - "The church down the street has its own hashtag. It seems to be everywhere. Should we ...
Prenger Solutions Group Celebrates Ordination of John Rogers, M.A., as Catholic Deacon
(St. Paul, Minnesota – December 12, 2023) – Prenger Solutions Group is proud to announce the ordination of John ...

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