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using amazonsmile at your parish

Using AmazonSmile at Your Parish

Aug 4, 2020

According to Statista, there will be a projected 2.14 billion online shoppers by 2021. With these kinds of numbers, it’s safe to say that many of your parishioners shop online. Amazon has created an incentive to its customers to benefit non-profit organizations through the program AmazonSmile. For every qualified purchase an Amazon customer makes, 0.5% of the price is donated to a non-profit of the customer’s choice. This may not seem like a lot – but it is free money for you, and it is easy to set up. Using AmazonSmile at your parish will get you some additional revenue.

Here are directions from Amazon:

  1. Search for your charitable organization by name or EIN number and then select the organization you represent. Be sure to confirm you are selecting the correct organization, as many charitable organizations have similar names.
  2. Create an organization administrator account and accept the AmazonSmile Participation Agreement on behalf of your organization.
  3. Verify your email address (we recommend that you use an email address that is associated with your parish).
  4. Submit your organization’s bank account information.
  5. Upload a copy of a voided check or bank statement to verify your organization’s bank account information.

After this, let your parishioners know they can give to the parish every time they shop on Amazon. Make sure to send them directions on how to set your parish as their charity of choice. Just a few moments of work on your part and you’ll be earning the parish some extra revenue in 2020 and beyond. Using AmazonSmile at your parish will get you some additional revenue for years to come!