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Prenger Solutions Group Celebrates Ordination of John Rogers, M.A., as Catholic Deacon

(St. Paul, Minnesota – December 12, 2023) – Prenger Solutions Group is proud to announce the ordination of John Rogers, Vice President of Parish Services at Prenger Solutions Group and Director of Catholic Social Media, to the Sacred Order of Deacon on December 9, 2023, at the Cathedral of St. Paul.

In an ordination Mass held at the Cathedral of St. Paul, John Rogers and seventeen other men took a significant step in their faith journey, receiving the Sacrament of Holy Orders. As a permanent deacon, John will play a vital role in the mission of the Church, assisting at liturgies and attending to the ministry of charity while continuing to live and work in the secular world.

Nic Prenger, J.D., founder and CEO of Prenger Solutions Group, extends his heartfelt congratulations, stating, “We are thrilled to celebrate this milestone in John’s life. His dedication to faith and service aligns with our core values at Prenger Solutions Group. It’s inspiring to witness John’s dedication to his faith culminate in his ordination.”

Rogers, a communications, software, and technology professional, is passionate about uniting Christian stewardship with modern technology. He expressed his gratitude and joy, saying, “God calls, we respond, and the confirmation comes in unexpected ways. I am reminded that no one discerns in isolation. My family, friends, fellow parishioners, and co-workers at PSG have been and will continue to be a part of this journey with God.”

In his role as Vice President of Parish Services for Prenger Solutions Group and Director of the Catholic Social Media service, John will continue to lead a team of experts who provide technology and communication services to parishes and dioceses across North America. Under his leadership, PSG has developed the only social media management and communications platform exclusively for Catholic parishes and dioceses.

As a married father of four, Rogers will now integrate family and diaconal life, serving in the threefold capacity of Word, liturgy, and charity. His journey emphasizes the importance of community support and discernment alongside friends, family, spiritual mentors, and co-workers. In his words, “So many people have been a great consolation to me and my family, and I hope that my ministry can now be a consolation to them.”

Prenger Solutions Group congratulates John Rogers on this significant milestone and looks forward to continuing the journey together, united in faith and service.


About Prenger Solutions Group

Prenger Solutions Group uses technology to help nonprofits improve their fundraising and communications. We offer highly specialized fundraising and technology solutions to more than half of the Catholic dioceses in the United States. Our experts provide fundraising consulting, annual appeal management, database services and cutting-edge communication tools to help your diocese thrive in the fast-paced, digital world.