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Incentivize Your Church Census

Incentivize Your Church Census

Even though it’s deep winter, no doubt your calendar is already filling up with all the parish activities you’re planning for next year. At the same time, certain areas of the country could be headed for lockdowns, suspension of Masses, and the shuttering of parish activities again as we ride this coronavirus wave. What can you do about that now? As I’ve pointed out so many times before, conduct a census. Those updated phone numbers and email addresses will come in handy if the worst comes to pass late this year. And here’s the twist – incentivize it. Incentivize your church census.

Everyone who updates their contact information with the parish in the next 30 days gets entered into a drawing to win something great. Whether it’s $50 to Ignatius Press’s online store or five pounds of coffee from the local roastery, a prize is a powerful motivator.

Incentivize your church census and watch participation skyrocket!