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scheduling meetings at your parish

Scheduling Meetings at Your Parish

Ever had trouble scheduling meetings at your parish? Scheduling parish council meetings, ministry activities or special event planning meetings can be a huge drain on your time and energy. It seems impossible at times to coordinate schedules between your pastor, staff, and volunteers. But there are a number of free services that take the guesswork out of scheduling meetings. Here are some of the best:

  • Doodle is great for when you want to float potential meeting times and poll your group to see which dates work the best. It requires no signup and is completely free.
  • Sign-up Genius offers a free online tool for attendees to RSVP to an event. This is great for small and medium-sized events. If you use it for larger or more professional events, you may want to pony up for the paid versions to get rid of the advertising.
  • Calendly is a neat tool that integrates with your existing calendar (like Outlook or Google) and generates a link that people can use to schedule appointments without all the back-and-forth emails comparing schedules

Each of these tools has its strengths and weaknesses, but all of them can help in scheduling meetings at your parish. And who knows, maybe you can use your next meeting to update your fundraising appeal