social media

Fundraising Insights

Increase Followers of your Catholic Parish Facebook Page
Recently Prenger Solutions Group conducted a Catholic parish survey assessing the giving practices and social ...
The 8:1 Communications Rule
Catholic Social Media's research shows that nonprofits should be striving for a good communications-to-request ...
The Forming Intentional Disciples Forum
Sherry Weddel, director of the Catherine of Siena Institute, took the ministry world by storm with her ...
Beginning with Facebook Insights for your Catholic Parish
If you’re administering your Catholic parish Facebook page, spend a little time each week using Insights. Just log ...
Online Surveys at the Parish
Whether you’re planning a change in the Mass schedule or gauging interest in a new program, you can use online ...
Choose See First in Facebook
You’re working hard to expand your parish’s social media presence; the easiest way is to teach your followers to ...
Know Your Social Media Genres
Know your social media genres! It can be a challenge to manage multiple social media accounts. If your Catholic ...
Social Media’s 80/20 Rule
Do you know social media's 80/20 rule? It's the same as the 80/20 rule in other areas of Catholic parish life. If ...
Parish Facebook Categories Matter
Facebook categorizes all organization pages into different groups. However, if your parish's Facebook page was set ...
Use the Newsfeed for Good
Ever wondered how the Facebook newsfeed works? As of 2019, it takes into account millions of factors when ...
First Impressions and Profile Pictures
First impressions and profile pictures are funny things. We all know by now that first impressions matter just as ...
Claim Your Church’s Vanity URL
In recent years, Facebook has added a "vanity URL" or "username" feature to all Pages, including your parish page. ...
Shorten Links Easily with
Your parish website is likely a simple, concise variation of your church name and/or city, and therefore it is ...
Using Facebook Business Manager
Are you using Facebook Business Manager? Most parishes manage their Facebook page from the personal account of a ...
YouTube is More than Cat Videos
We are all guilty of visiting YouTube to check out a video a friend said we simply "had to see." Perhaps you ...
Using ABOUT on Facebook
Facebook followers are often your most faithful parishioners. They not only fill the pews each week, but they are ...
Other Benefits of Facebook Live
Facebook Live is a powerful tool that parishes and schools can use to share live video from events, ceremonies, ...
The New Digital Evangelization
Ever since Pope Saint John Paul II coined the phrase, the Church has been laser-focused on the New Evangelization. ...
Slide shows on Facebook
Facebook is always adding new types of posts that can help you increase your reach and engagement. One type that ...
Using Facebook’s Profanity Filter
Every now and again, someone will wander onto your parish's Facebook page, disparaging the Church or people of ...
Social Media Management Tools
Do you find it challenging to keep up with the activity on your parish Facebook page? Has your parish Twitter page ...
If It’s Free, You’re the Product
Your eyes have likely glazed over at the number of "free offers" you're receiving right now. The pandemic's effect ...
COVID-19 and Parish Communications
You have learned a lot about how parishioners engage with the parish over the last several months. Social ...
Publishing Parish Reports
A few weeks ago, this parish report, delivered via YouTube from a pastor in Oklahoma, caught our team's attention. ...
Archiving Parish Livestreams?
Since the coronavirus pandemic hit America in February 2020, almost every parish in the country has livestreamed ...
Does Your Parish Need a Hashtag?
We get this question a lot - "The church down the street has its own hashtag. It seems to be everywhere. Should we ...

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