
Fundraising Insights

Beginning with Facebook Insights for your Catholic Parish
If you’re administering your Catholic parish Facebook page, spend a little time each week using Insights. Just log ...
Know Your Social Media Genres
Know your social media genres! It can be a challenge to manage multiple social media accounts. If your Catholic ...
Social Media’s 80/20 Rule
Do you know social media's 80/20 rule? It's the same as the 80/20 rule in other areas of Catholic parish life. If ...
Fundraising Letters or Emails?
It's an age-old question: fundraising letters or emails? If you’re responsible for your church's annual ...
Parish Facebook Categories Matter
Facebook categorizes all organization pages into different groups. However, if your parish's Facebook page was set ...
Use the Newsfeed for Good
Ever wondered how the Facebook newsfeed works? As of 2019, it takes into account millions of factors when ...
First Impressions and Profile Pictures
First impressions and profile pictures are funny things. We all know by now that first impressions matter just as ...
Claim Your Church’s Vanity URL
In recent years, Facebook has added a "vanity URL" or "username" feature to all Pages, including your parish page. ...
Using Facebook Business Manager
Are you using Facebook Business Manager? Most parishes manage their Facebook page from the personal account of a ...
Follow CARA at Georgetown University
Last month we included a post about the number of people entering the Catholic Church in the United States and ...
A Magic Wand for Excel
There are only a small number of events in your life that are so meaningful and powerful that the memories stay ...
A Future Without Bulletins?
The Sunday bulletin has been a staple of Catholic life in North America for more than 75 years. But as almost all ...
Using ABOUT on Facebook
Facebook followers are often your most faithful parishioners. They not only fill the pews each week, but they are ...
Get Website Alerts
Today I’m going to share some information about a great free tool out there that we use all the time in our ...
How Spammy Is Your Parish Email?
We are sending more emails than ever, and billions of messages crisscross the globe each day. For every legitimate ...
Parish Cost-Benefit Analysis
As a parish, we are concerned with human persons, and yet so often we have tasks on our to-do list that keep us ...

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