
Fundraising Insights

Achieve Inbox Zero Easily
You can achieve inbox zero easily - a mythical state when you have NO emails in your inbox. Email is a blessing ...
Fundraising Letters or Emails?
It's an age-old question: fundraising letters or emails? If you’re responsible for your church's annual ...
Scheduling Meetings at Your Parish
Ever had trouble scheduling meetings at your parish? Scheduling parish council meetings, ministry activities or ...
The Value of an Email Address
When our team conducted a national research project focused on giving trends in Catholic parishes, we asked ...
A Future Without Bulletins?
The Sunday bulletin has been a staple of Catholic life in North America for more than 75 years. But as almost all ...
Writing a Great Email
We use emails for everything. We use email to ask questions, to delegate tasks, to confirm plans and to provide ...
Use Bullets and Numbered Lists
Your pastor is busy. Your committee chairs have day jobs. Your volunteers are being pulled in a million different ...
You Get What You Ask For
The CSM team often works with pastors and staff that say, “We wish parishioners would increase their financial ...
Who Should Send the Email?
People receive around 100 emails per day, a mind-bending mix of work-related communications, solicitations from ...
Spring Cleaning Emails
Keeping your organization’s contact information current and clean is a never-ending process. We’ve talked about it ...
Getting in Touch
If you're watching the news about the further spread of coronavirus and wondering, "What are some ways we can be ...
COVID-19 and Parish Communications
You have learned a lot about how parishioners engage with the parish over the last several months. Social ...
How Spammy Is Your Parish Email?
We are sending more emails than ever, and billions of messages crisscross the globe each day. For every legitimate ...
Eliminate Role-Based Email Addresses
Some years ago, it was popular to create role-based email addresses at companies and non-profits, addresses like ...

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