
Fundraising Insights

Improve Your Parish’s Online Giving Form
Your parishioners’ time is precious, and you want to make it easy for them to give; the number one way to do this ...
Offertory and Online Giving
Our team is always looking at ways to make giving to the local parish more convenient. For most people, that means ...
Parish Entry Point Giving
Parish entry point giving is a topic rarely discussed in Catholic churches. This week, take a few minutes to ...
Fundraising Letters or Emails?
It's an age-old question: fundraising letters or emails? If you’re responsible for your church's annual ...
The Value of an Email Address
When our team conducted a national research project focused on giving trends in Catholic parishes, we asked ...
Financial Transparency at the Parish
For centuries religious institutions were some of the most trusted organizations in most cultures. But in the ...
Stewardship a Disciple’s Response
December 31 is just nine short months away, and with it will come year-end giving decisions for many of your ...
You Get What You Ask For
The CSM team often works with pastors and staff that say, “We wish parishioners would increase their financial ...
Families and the Collection Basket
As a kid, I was always really excited for the part of Mass when Mom and Dad gave me money to put in the ...
Using AmazonSmile at Your Parish
According to Statista, there will be a projected 2.14 billion online shoppers by 2021. With these kinds of ...
Talking About Money at the Parish
Even as I typed the headline, I thought I might lose a few readers. Let’s face it, money is a difficult thing to ...
Publishing Parish Reports
A few weeks ago, this parish report, delivered via YouTube from a pastor in Oklahoma, caught our team's attention. ...
Analyze Your Easter Collection
After the busyness of Holy Week, it can be difficult to muster to enthusiasm to analyze your Easter collection. ...

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