
Fundraising Insights

Thanking Parishioners Well
With everything going on at your Catholic parish, it can be easy to forget that thanking parishioners well is one ...
Taking Prayer Requests Online
Maybe you take prayer requests at your Catholic parish, but have you ever considered taking prayer requests ...
Using Personal Testimonials
As the church in North America continues to change, many parishes are moving from organizations focused on ...
Financial Transparency at the Parish
For centuries religious institutions were some of the most trusted organizations in most cultures. But in the ...
Worst Fundraising Ideas Ever
Magazine subscriptions. Chocolate sales. Caramel corn delivery services. We've all participated in these sorts of ...
Families and the Collection Basket
As a kid, I was always really excited for the part of Mass when Mom and Dad gave me money to put in the ...
Parish Planned Giving Seminars
It is no secret that the largest transfer of wealth in human history is starting to take place between Baby ...
Talking About Money at the Parish
Even as I typed the headline, I thought I might lose a few readers. Let’s face it, money is a difficult thing to ...
Reasons for Hope
The coronavirus pandemic is continuing to do harm to our society in a myriad of ways, but there are some reasons ...
A Return to Normalcy?
Is a return to normalcy coming soon? Even while social distancing continues around the world, it's time to begin ...
Virtual Coffee and Doughnuts
Even several months into the pandemic, some of us can abuse Facebook. After all, it's not a communications tool ...
Publishing Parish Reports
A few weeks ago, this parish report, delivered via YouTube from a pastor in Oklahoma, caught our team's attention. ...
Who and How We Support
Months into the coronavirus pandemic, it's clear how much damage has been done across the globe. The consequences ...
The Creaster Opportunity
Christmas represents an incredible opportunity to minister to "Creasters," those nominal Catholics that only ...
Analyze Your Easter Collection
After the busyness of Holy Week, it can be difficult to muster to enthusiasm to analyze your Easter collection. ...

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