If your nonprofit sends emails with Raiser’s Edge NXT, Luminate Online, or Online Express, you need to know about DKIM. DKIM, or DomainKeys Identified Mail, helps determine if your emails reach your donors’ inboxes or get stuck in spam. Setting up DKIM is not ...
If your nonprofit sends emails with Raiser’s Edge NXT, Luminate Online, or Online Express, you need to know about DKIM. DKIM, or DomainKeys Identified Mail, helps determine if your emails reach your donors’ inboxes ...
Short answer: Yes, it absolutely can. Let me share how I discovered Power Automate and why it’s become an essential tool for the organizations I work with. My journey with Power Automate started in early 2021 ...
“How fast should our team be processing gifts?” It’s one of the most frequently asked questions in nonprofit fundraising, and for good reason—efficient gift processing is essential for donor stewardship and ...
Benchmarking allows nonprofit leaders and fundraising staff to determine the areas of their fundraising efforts where they excel and the areas where they can make improvements. Setting benchmarks can aid in ...
Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge is one of the most popular CRM (customer relationship management) database choices for nonprofit organizations engaged in fundraising activities. According to the Blackbaud website, ...
While every nonprofit organization may feel pressure to reach their fundraising goals, this pressure can be especially high at the end of the year. While more than 30% of charitable giving happens in the month of ...
The year-end appeal has wrapped up, staff have returned following their holiday time with family, and now the calls and emails begin rolling in from donors who want their end-of-year tax letters. It is important to ...
As a fundraiser, you may feel pressure to raise more, connect with more donors, and increase the amount of support coming in the door each month. Raising more money with limited staff and time can seem impossible, ...
If you are part of a large fundraising team, you might be experiencing friction between team members. The database administrator is lamenting how the major gift officers never put notes in the database, and the ...
If you’re a senior-level fundraising professional, you know donor data is critical to your nonprofit organization’s fundraising success. Getting correct data analytics quickly can give fundraisers an advantage and ...
Fundraisers know that to continue acquiring new donors, they must offer various giving opportunities. Traditional methods of gifting through direct mail appeals or events may not be suitable for all donors. Some ...
Donor retention is a top metric when measuring fundraising success. Retaining donors is more cost-effective than acquiring new donors. Retention of donors helps nonprofit organizations build capacity toward ...
You might be surprised to learn that as much as 30 percent of all giving happens in December. Additionally, as much as 10% of annual giving happens in just the final three days of the year. The year-end giving ...
Fundraising professionals recognize that year-end fundraising is essential to raising support for their nonprofit missions. Donors are especially generous in December, and as much as 30% of all giving happens in ...
Do giving societies work? The simple answer is yes. We live in a world where many societies or membership programs are transactional; if you make a gift at a certain level or pay for a subscription, you will ...
A plan to steward your donors is essential for any development department, but your nonprofit should have a plan specific to first-time donors. Create a new donor welcome kit to ensure prompt gratitude and ...
A robust and well-thought-out end-of-year giving campaign is crucial for any nonprofit fundraising strategy. The year-end giving season can help you reach your nonprofit fundraising goals. Start planning today for ...
Even the most seasoned fundraising professionals at nonprofit organizations sometimes wonder if they have captured the best strategies for asking for donations at year-end. With as much as 30% of all giving ...
In fundraising, understanding pledge vs. donation can be an essential distinction. There are many pros and cons for nonprofit organizations to consider. Nonprofits may collect pledges during fundraising appeals, ...
Personalizing donor communication is necessary for any successful fundraising effort. Potential and loyal donors don’t want to be addressed as Dear Friend. Fundraising staff must show donors you know who they ...
You wrote a stellar appeal letter. Now, you’re staring at the computer screen, wondering what to do with the tired pledge card your nonprofit has been using for years. A pledge card, a response mechanism for ...
January is a time of year when many people set resolutions, but it can also be a terrific time for fundraisers to do some deliberate strategic planning. While December is the top month for donations, many ...
Do you know a donor who wakes up on January 1 ready to do their taxes? Nonprofit organizations must be ready to deliver the donation receipt letter for tax purposes. This donation receipt letter for tax ...
Tackling nonprofit donor database clean-up can seem like a cumbersome task. Getting a jump-start at the beginning of the year can help manage donor data all year. From more personalized communications to strong ...
For even the most seasoned development professionals, nonprofit capital campaigns can come with a bit of uncertainty. You may be unsure about your team’s readiness for one, about hiring capital campaign ...
Every nonprofit organization needs a stellar CRM or constituent relationship management software for their fundraising strategy. A good CRM will help with donor management, donor retention, tracking critical data, ...
We live in a fast-paced, quickly innovating world. Both nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses wish to future-proof their missions or have a crystal ball to predict the necessary tools. They seek ways to ...
A monthly or recurring giving program can be a fantastic opportunity to retain donors, increase their annual total giving, and deepen the donor’s relationship with your important nonprofit cause. Monthly ...
Nonprofit organizations may consider hiring a fundraising consultant for large projects, such as during a capital campaign, but they may overlook the other ways in which a consultant can help improve fundraising ...
Every nonprofit fundraiser hopes there will be donations coming in the door month after month. A recurring donation or monthly giving program can help maintain this steady stream of support. A recurring giving ...
Accurate donor data is a critical component of any fundraising effort. Nonprofits need data to find donors who believe in their causes and may support them based on various factors. Accurate donor data can help ...
Understaffed nonprofit organizations may find themselves seeking ways to maximize fundraising staff time. Development professionals in these small shops must learn to balance many aspects of fundraising and find ...
Fundraising professionals know that their efforts to raise support for their nonprofit mission do not end when the donation is received. They are skilled in the art of stewardship but might not have given much ...
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the latest technology shift to hit the news. It has potential uses across industries, including fundraising. From email to automation, fundraisers have seen many technological ...
It’s tempting to celebrate victories in fundraising by just looking at dollars raised, but don’t forget to measure your return on investment. If you’ve been around the block in fundraising, you’ve probably heard ...
Fundraising professionals understand that communication is vital to building relationships with their donors. However, many nonprofits have small fundraising departments, and staff are short on time, making it hard ...
Does direct mail for nonprofits still work? The truth is that direct mail fundraising is still a reliable revenue generator for today’s nonprofits. Direct mail started appearing on the fundraising scene shortly ...
More than 30 percent of all charitable giving happens in December. Is your end-of-year appeal as effective as it can be, given how many donors are willing to make gifts in the final month of the year? If not, ...
Whether your nonprofit’s end-of-year campaign begins on November 1 or with Giving Tuesday, year-end giving is crucial for fundraising success. It starts with a compelling nonprofit end-of-year letter. Here's ...
A strong, end-of-year giving campaign is critical to a non-profit’s success, as 30 percent of all giving happens in December. Some statistics show as much as 10% of annual giving happens in just the final three ...
The work of a fundraiser doesn’t end when the year-end campaign wraps up. It is critical for development staff to steward donors by thanking them and communicating what they made possible.
The work of a fundraiser doesn’t end when the year-end campaign wraps up. It is critical for development staff to steward donors by thanking them and communicating what they made possible.
The work of a fundraiser doesn’t end when the year-end campaign wraps up. It is critical for development staff to steward donors by thanking them and communicating what they made possible.
Direct mail fundraising is one of the top tools for nonprofits to raise funds. This blog covers direct mail fundraising best practices, such as setting the right suggested donation amount.
Direct mail fundraising is one of the top tools for nonprofits to raise funds. This blog covers direct mail fundraising best practices, such as setting the right suggested donation amount.
Just like keeping a clean house, managing your nonprofit donor database to have clean data means regular upkeep and a good schedule of maintenance. While it’s tempting to put off data cleanup, because it’s one of ...
Fundraisers know that communicating with donors is critical for fundraising success. However, optimizing for donor segmentation fundraising can become overwhelming as databases grow. Maybe you have a small ...
Every nonprofit fundraiser has probably wished from time to time that they had a magic wand they could use to raise more money for their critical mission. With a flick of the wrist, each direct mail appeal would ...
A donor stewardship plan or a donor stewardship matrix is an essential tool to help your development department steward donors. This important relationship-building plan can help improve your donor retention ...
The work of a fundraiser doesn’t end when the year-end campaign wraps up. It is critical for development staff to steward donors by thanking them and communicating what they made possible.
In nonprofit fundraising, writing an appeal letter for fundraising (and donation letters) is a big part of supporting the cause. With such a large ask, you’re probably wondering how to write a good fundraising ...
Development professionals know that retaining donors is essential to any nonprofit organization. Retaining donors is a cost-effective way to raise support for any mission and is more economical than acquiring new ...
Donation pledge cards are in integral part of nonprofit fundraising. In fact, before you ever found yourself working in fundraising, you probably had seen pledge cards yourself from various organizations you care ...
As a fundraiser, you might be all too familiar with lapsed donors—LYBUNTS and SYBUNTS. It can be frustrating to see a historically consistent donor suddenly drop off or have a donor make one significant gift only ...
Seasoned fundraisers know that nonprofit organizations must have a thoughtful process for screening donors and creating donor segments. Nonprofits cannot use the same approach for all potential donors. A wealth ...
The purpose of pledge cards is garnering donations. But when it comes to how many ask amounts to include on your pledge card, there are a variety of things to consider. What is a Pledge Card? First, let’s start ...
It’s that time of the year again. You're writing your annual appeal letter, asking your donors to support your operations. Or you’re possibly just starting your nonprofit journey, and this is your first go at ...
When mailing out your fundraising appeal letters and pledge cards, the envelope you send it in can matter just as much as the design of your correspondence. Why? Your envelope is the last step of your direct ...
The science of nonprofit fundraising is tricky—such is the territory when asking people for money. While most research suggests that the less you ask for (i.e., a lower financial burden for your donor), the more ...
By nature, a direct mail appeal letter for nonprofit fundraising is just that—a letter. Just because it’s not a billboard, magazine ad, or website doesn’t mean that the overall look and feel shouldn’t matter as ...
If you’re like most nonprofits, you have a fundraising pledge card template. You’ve been using it for years, and it includes a series of ask amounts (sometimes called a gift string, gift array, giving ladder, ask ...
Fundraisers constantly seek ways to streamline their efforts and raise more money. Suppose your nonprofit has a clear vision, a committed donor base, and has invested in a stellar CRM (customer relationship ...
Fundraisers understand the importance of having effective strategies and tools to ensure the success of their nonprofit's fundraising efforts. One commonly used tool in capital campaigns is the gift range ...
Improving your fundraising efforts doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. Sometimes, the key to improving your fundraising results isn’t about adding something new but knowing what mistakes to ...
Have you ever asked yourself, what is a major donor? How nonprofits define major donors will vary from organization to organization. A major donor is an individual, couple, or business that gives an amount that has ...
We live in a digital world. But when it comes to fundraising for nonprofits, direct mail is still the king. Direct mail fundraising is different than digital communication because it is a tactile medium – your ...
Recurring giving is on the rise. According to the latest M+R Benchmarks 2022 study, monthly giving grew by 24% in 2021 across all nonprofit sectors, while one-time giving declined. If you haven’t made a plan to ...
Interested in pledge cards? We've created the Ultimate Guide to Pledge Cards. Have you ever wondered what type of donation pledge card is best for your non-profit direct mail appeal? When was the last time ...
Whether you work for a small charity or a global nonprofit, you have to deal with the challenge of lapsed donors. According to the Fundraising Effectiveness Project, most nonprofits lose around 40-45% of their ...
As a fundraiser, you know that reactivating lapsed donors takes significant time and effort. But if your lapsed donor letters aren’t doing the trick, it might be time to change your approach. Follow along as we ...
Nic Prenger founded PSG in 2018 to help Catholic dioceses, churches and schools adapt and thrive in the new world of digital fundraising.
Having spent the previous 12 years leading one of the largest Catholic fundraising firms in the nation, Nic has seen first-hand how quickly donor habits are changing as the world moves online. Tried-and-true fundraising strategies are becoming less effective, while new, digital tools allow dioceses to find and connect with donors in ways that were previously unimaginable.
Over the past decade Nic has raised more than $300 million for Catholic organizations and served as trusted counsel to many of the country’s premier Catholic development programs.
As CEO of Prenger Solutions Group, Nic leads a team of experts who provide digital fundraising solutions to Catholic dioceses, schools and parishes. Clients choose to partner with PSG in order to design and implement next-generation fundraising programs that include online giving, email marketing, donor software, data analytics, social media, website design and landing page optimization.
A native of Carroll, Iowa, Nic is a graduate of Creighton University in Omaha and the University of Iowa Law School. A former board member for the Magis Catholic Teacher Corps, Nic served on the National Catholic Educational Association’s national advisory council for leadership development. He also serves on the stewardship committee for Christ the King Parish in Omaha, where he belongs along with his wife, Holly, and their three children.
Nic’s leadership experience includes working for the U.S. Senate Finance Committee in Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Iowa.
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John Rogers, M.A.
John Rogers joined PSG in 2019 and works with church and diocesan clients to improve their digital giving and communications practices.
Prior to joining PSG, John served as director of advancement for the Anselm House Christian study center at the University of Minnesota. Before that, John worked as a development consultant, serving Catholic churches, schools, and dioceses in Minnesota, Colorado, and California. John's professional passion is uniting the principles of Christian stewardship with modern technology in order to help churches minister more effectively.
John lives in St. Paul, Minnesota with his wife, Sara, and their four children, where John is a deacon candidate. In his free time, John and Sara manage Catholic Miscarriage Support, a website and independent ministry that supports women and families suffering from unexpected pregnancy loss. His written work has been published in Dappled Things, Catholic Yearbook, and through the Minnesota Catholic Conference website. John is active in his church as a minister to the homebound and is a member of Teams of Our Lady, an international marriage apostolate.
John holds a BA in English/Language Arts from St. John's University (Minn.) and an MA in Catholic Studies from the University of St. Thomas (Minn.).
Andy Schroeder, MBA
Andy Schroeder joined PSG after spending more than ten years fundraising for higher education and Catholic organizations.
Andy has planned and implemented both capital and planned giving campaigns and has extensive experience in major gift fundraising, strategic planning and creative problem solving.
A self-proclaimed “data geek,” Andy has presented webinars and spoken at national conferences on how to leverage data and analytics to achieve success in fundraising. Andy is recognized as a Blackbaud Champion and he brings that knowledge and insight to bear for PSG clients who utilize Raiser’s Edge software.
Residing in Dubuque, Iowa, Andy is a graduate of Clarke University (Iowa) and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication as well as a Master of Business Administration degree from the institution. He serves on the board of directors at several nonprofits including Dupaco Community Credit Union and Carnegie Stout Public Library Foundation. He also serves on the Development Committee of Holy Spirit Parish in Dubuque, where he is a member alongside his wife and two children.
Ashley Winans, MPA
Ashley joined PSG in 2020 to lead strategy and implementation for schools, dioceses and parishes.
Ashley has spent the last sixteen years in the nonprofit sector focusing on strategic planning, capital campaign, major gift and annual fundraising, special events and marketing.
As an Omaha native, Ashley has a master's degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Nonprofit Communications from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She established tenure in the non-profit sector working for Boys & Girls Clubs of the Midlands, Boys Town, Creighton University and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Her most recent achievement was leading a $25 million capital campaign to provide new Clubs for after-school programming for local youth.
Ashley, her husband, Robert, and their two children are members of St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church. In their free time they enjoy international travel.
Rob Simms
Rob Simms is Vice President at PSG where he works with diocesan and school clients to design modern, effective fundraising programs.
Prior to joining PSG, Rob led capital campaigns for Catholic dioceses and churches and served on the management team of one of the largest Catholic fundraising firms in the nation.
Rob has raised more than $100 million and led diocesan campaigns for the Archdiocese of Omaha and the Diocese of Knoxville. The latter campaign raised more than $44 million from just 51 parishes in a young, mission diocese in order to fund the construction of a new cathedral and other priorities.
Rob has a communications background and worked in media relations at Creighton University for more than a decade before answering the call to work with nonprofits. A proud native of St. Louis, Mo., Rob is a graduate of Truman State University (Mo.). While working on his communications degree at Truman State, he earned four varsity letters as a pitcher on the baseball team. In fact, Rob's name can be found in the NCAA record book - only because the NCAA tracks statistics like earned runs allowed in a game.
Rob and his wife have twin daughters and a son. When he’s not helping nonprofits, he can be found volunteering at his church in West Omaha, coaching his son’s little league baseball team, and broadcasting various Creighton athletics events.
Andrew Menke
Andrew Menke joined PSG with more than five years of professional experience in fundraising for Christian organizations.
In his roles as a campaign manager and development director, Andrew managed planning studies, capital campaigns and stewardship programs for 15 different schools, parishes, and dioceses, helping raise more than $50 million for various needs.
Andrew graduated from the University of St. Thomas (Minn.), where he entered the Catholic Studies program, and studied business at the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship. Andrew also participated in his college’s theater program, taking lead roles in several major productions.
Andrew lives in the Twin Cities with his wife, Theresa, and two daughters, where they are parishioners at St. Peter’s Church in Mendota. He serves as a visiting companion for Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly in Minneapolis.
Sarah Aligo, M.S.E.
Sarah Aligo was recruited to join PSG in 2020 to provide digital fundraising solutions for Catholic dioceses, schools, and parishes.
With nearly 20 years of experience in higher education and nonprofit fundraising, Sarah has spent her career focusing on annual and major gift fundraising, direct mail, online giving campaigns, grants, marketing, board fundraising, special events, and volunteers.
The Kansas City area native earned a master’s degree in education, with an emphasis in higher education administration, from the University of Kansas, and a bachelor’s degree in communication, with a minor in public relations, from Emporia State University (Kan.). Before joining PSG, she raised private support for the University of Kansas, Oklahoma State University, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, and the Chattanooga Area Food Bank. She is an active member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, and Rotary International.
Residing in DeWitt, Mich., Sarah, her husband, Scott, and their two children are members of the Catholic Community of St. Jude. They are avid football fans, spending their free time on the practice field and Saturdays cheering on their University of Kansas Jayhawks, where her husband is the Director of Scouting for the football team.
Stacy Cope
Stacy provides high-level database services and solutions to PSG clients. She is happiest when helping organizations make the best use of software solutions to make their work easier and more effective.
Stacy has significant diocesan fundraising experience, having started her fundraising career coordinating the annual appeal for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
Over the years her fundraising and database skills have also benefited Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas; Ronald McDonald House Charities in Omaha, and the CUES Schools in inner-city Omaha, where Stacy served as database administrator and led complex data conversions.
After growing up in Kearney, Nebraska, Stacy attended Benedictine College where she earned a B.A. in Theology and Music and was a Presidential Scholar.
Stacy and her husband Brendan live in Omaha with their two children. They are members of Immaculate Conception parish. In her spare time, Stacy enjoys making jellies and kolaches to share with friends and family.
Mitch Fisher
Mitch Fisher joined PSG in 2021 and works with parishes to improve their use of social media.
Before joining PSG, Mitch was a content creator at Class Intercom where he worked with schools and students creating content for social media. Prior to that, he served as a support intern at Hudl where he assisted high school and college coaches with a wide array of digital products.
In 2017, Mitch accepted the #Digital4Good Award at Twitter Headquarters for his efforts to promote positivity on social media. Mitch's passion lies at the intersection of social media content and the Church, and he volunteers with his local parish helping them with social media and livestreaming.
Mitch is the son of Greg and Angie Fisher and is the oldest of four siblings. He lives in Lincoln, Nebraska where he enjoys running, playing sand volleyball, eating ice cream, trying local craft beers, and singing in the church choir.
Mitch attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he was president of the Phi Kappa Theta Catholic fraternity. He graduated with a degree in Journalism.
Leslie Ulrich, MBA
Leslie joined PSG in 2021 with nearly ten years of fundraising experience. She has served as a front-line fundraiser in higher education and served dozens of Catholic organizations.
Prior to joining PSG, Leslie conducted feasibility studies and capital campaigns for nonprofit organizations across the country, helping to raise more than $10 million. Leslie’s ability to build relationships has proven invaluable in her fundraising career.
Leslie holds two degrees from Creighton University in Omaha: a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Business Administration.
Leslie lives in Wichita, Kansas and is an active parishioner at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church. She and her husband, Luke welcomed their first son in 2020. They spend their free time outdoors as much as possible, whether it’s at the park with their dog, at the lake or just doing yardwork.
Lauren Ballew
Lauren provides Raiser’s Edge consulting and database administration services to PSG clients.
She was recruited to join PSG because of her passion for helping Catholic nonprofits succeed, and her 15 years of experience with Raiser’s Edge software.
Lauren graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in Psychology. She volunteered as a Catholic missionary after graduation and has worked with NET Ministries, the Seminaries of Saint Paul, and The Church of St. Joseph in West St. Paul.
After almost 20 years in Minnesota, Lauren returned to Texas, where she now lives near her parents and sister. She enjoys watching Aggie Football, Broadway theatre, traveling the US and abroad, and volunteering.
Austen Brown
Austen provides Raiser’s Edge consulting and database administration services to PSG clients.
Austen has worked as a Database Administrator within the non-profit sector for nearly a decade. She has extensive experience working within databases to reduce redundancy, create consistency, and find sustainable solutions that stand the test of time. She was recently recognized as one of Blackbaud’s “50 Most Engaged Customer Advocates” and is a sought-after speaker on all things Blackbaud. She has been a featured speaker at Blackbaud’s Annual Conference on the Mainstage and has joined a Blackbaud RE NXT Geek Out webinar to inspire fellow citizen developers to create custom automations through Microsoft’s Power Platform.
After growing up in Charlottesville, Virginia, Austen attended St. Lawrence University where she earned a B.A. in Music and History. Austen and her husband live in North Carolina. In her spare time, Austen enjoys solving complex Sudoku puzzles, creating art, playing music, and spending time outdoors.
Katie McCurdy
Katie provides Raiser’s Edge consulting and database administration services to PSG clients.
Katie comes to PSG with over 10 years of non-profit advancement experience. Her most recent position was Director of Advancement Operations and Special Events at Santa Margarita Catholic High School, her alma mater. In this position Katie oversaw the school’s Raiser’s Edge database ensuring accurate constituent and gift records, processing reports, segmented appeal lists and maintaining lifetime giving records for proper recognition. She also managed and executed all stewardship and fundraising events which consistently netted over goal.
Prior to Santa Margarita, Katie worked at St. Joseph Hospital Foundation as a Development Assistant - Special Events and Annual Giving and as a Media Research Analyst at SmithGeiger, LLC.
Katie graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor in Science in Communication, Public Relations. She lives in Mission Viejo, California where she enjoys running, reading, ballet performances and spending time with her friends and family.
Andrew Bridger
Andrew Bridger joined PSG in 2022 and is responsible for the development and execution of a comprehensive marketing philosophy, business strategy and direction of the brand. He oversees the organization’s digital & traditional marketing, event planning, public relations and community outreach programs.
Prior to joining PSG, Andrew spent 10 years working at Gallup with a focus on growing the CliftonStrengths brand through strategic marketing efforts and product development. With a passion for marketing, Andrew’s greatest strengths are his creativity, drive and leadership. He thrives on challenges, particularly ones that require action immediately.
Residing in Omaha, NE, Andrew has his bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management from the University of Nebraska Omaha where he was also the captain of the Men’s Basketball Team and Male Athlete of the Year in 2010.
Andrew, his wife, Cara, and their four children are members at Relevant Community Church. In his free time, he enjoys playing and watching sports, working out and spending time with his kids.
Angie Addison
Angie joined PSG in 2022 to lead efforts in standardizing development lifecycle practices to increase the speed, efficiency, and value of products and services delivered to PSG’s customers.
Prior to joining PSG, Angie was a Team Lead at Blackbaud on the Education Management platform where she was the Product Manager on several applications and managed other product staff. She was featured and presented on the main stage at Blackbaud annual conference in 2021. Prior to Blackbaud, she was Partner at a start-up that secured a spot in a regional incubation program and was featured in New Hampshire Business Magazine’s annual top entrepreneurs’ issue.
Angie has twenty-five years of experience in systems development and product roles in non-profit, healthcare, and education. She has a BS in Business Management with a concentration in Healthcare Administration from Granite State College and holds LEAN, Scrum Master, Product Manager III, and Project Management certifications.
A New Hampshire native, Angie lived and worked in Boston for many years before moving to the Sunapee, New Hampshire region where she now raises her two boys. When not at soccer or baseball they enjoy traveling and spending time with friends and family.