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Running Queries in Raiser’s Edge

Side-by-side Comparison of Database View and Web View

About the Webinar

February 25, 2025 11:00am, Central

In the first of our 2025 “Side-by-Side” Series, our team will break down and explore the differences between queries in Raiser’s Edge Database View and Web View.

PSG’s Raiser’s Edge NXT experts Stacy Cope and Austen Brown will walk through the ways that query in Web View are different. Plus, they’ll answer top questions:

  • What will work better? Will anything get worse?
  • Will I lose my Database View queries when I switch to Web View?
  • How does the new Options tab make my life easier?
  • Are there any new features for sharing queries and query results?
  • Where are attributes in Web View query?
  • How do merged queries and query lists work?

Plus, our team has created a super-helpful cheat sheet that maps all the new Web View terms to their corresponding terms and features in Database View. There’s some new lingo to learn, but our cheat sheet makes it easy.

Everyone who registers will receive the RE NXT Web View FAQ cheat sheet, along with a recording of the presentation and our helpful side-by-side slides.

This is one session you won’t want to miss as we all plan for life after Database View!

Register to Watch

Meet Your Hosts

Nic Prenger, J.D. Founder/CEO

Nic Prenger founded Prenger Solutions Group in 2018 to help nonprofits modernize their communications and fundraising. He is passionate about using technology to help nonprofits raise more money with fewer headaches – a passion shared by each and every member of the PSG team. A former prosecutor, Nic worked for the U.S. Senate Finance Committee in Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Iowa. He also served on the national advisory board for the National Catholic Education Association.

Stacy Cope Director of Automation Services

Since she started working with nonprofit databases in 2011, Stacy has been obsessed with getting the software to work for her. She now works with PSG clients to automate donor stewardship, data cleanup, and other tasks to save organizations time and get them more in touch with their donors.

Austen Brown Senior Automation Architect

With more than a decade of experience in nonprofit database management, Austen is an expert in standardizing data and creating automated business workflows using Raiser's Edge NXT and the Microsoft Power Platform. Austen’s commitment to efficiency drives her passion for improving donor communications, streamlining data input, and simplifying reporting for nonprofit organizations through automation.