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the churchs response to loneliness

The Church’s Response to Loneliness

Apr 21, 2020

Many clergy, theologians, and lay ministers have been thinking about the Church’s response to loneliness. Study after study has shown that there’s an epidemic of loneliness in modern life. Life in Christ is the answer – joining the One Body that makes up the Church and experiencing true love and friendship.

If you feel there are people within your parish boundaries who are lonely and giving in to despair and you want to help, listen to episodes 40 and 42 of the Catholic News Agency’s Newsroom podcast. The first episode is about loneliness among young people, and the second is about loneliness among older people. You’ll find several great tips for fighting loneliness in your own backyard. At times, the Church’s response to loneliness can be sorely lacking. But we can all be part of the solution if we arm ourselves with resources, mercy, and friendliness.