If some or all of your parish staff need to continue or restart working from home this fall, you might be scrambling to figure out what needs to be done. Here’s a quick checklist to the basics of working from home:
- Upload your parish directory so all of your staff can access it
- Make sure contact information for each ministry and committee is up to date
- Announce parish hours and Mass times (or lack thereof) through all channels
- Gather log-ins and passwords
- Get the office phones redirected to staff cell phones, if necessary
- Use a free videoconferencing tool to continue meetings
For more information, please check out this handout from our Spring 2020 webinar, “How to Run a Parish During the Coronavirus Outbreak.”
The most important thing in all of this is for you to stay in touch with your staff team, your volunteers, and your parishioners. Isolation can wreak havoc on your emotional and spiritual health and make you less effective at your slice of the parish’s ministry.
Master the basics of working from home and you’ll keep your parish community thriving…until there’s a vaccine! We’ll get there together. (And while you’re at it, get some professional email addresses!)