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spiritual directors spiritual friends

Spiritual Directors Spiritual Friends

You’ve heard it time and time again from your parishioners: “Where can I find a good spiritual director so I can grow in my prayer?” And the answer is the same at almost every parish – there just aren’t enough trained spiritual directors out there! But here’s a thought: every parish has those wise, faithful parishioners who can be spiritual friends to those seeking help. In fact, the only help most Catholics need is a trusted friend who is just one or two steps further down the path of prayer. We need spiritual directors or spiritual friends.

Today, consider what it might take to ask for volunteers to serve in this way. With a small amount of training and a few pointers, there might be dozens of parishioners willing to befriend those who are just beginning a life of prayer. Together, they can offer each other spiritual companionship and advance in their individual journeys to our Lord. You can then support these prayers with information about personal prayer, journaling, the Liturgy of the Hours, how to spend an hour of Adoration, and so on.


So, spiritual directors or spiritual friends? You don’t need to make a decision between the two, but there are far more spiritual friends available in your parish.