
A powerful tool that helps you set personalized ask amounts for thousands of donors at a time.


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Parish Social Media Outreach and Engagement During Lent

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Since 2018, PSG experts have helped thousands of parishes to create content and engage their parishioners and neighbors online during Lent.

And for parishes with schools, February and March are critical months for new enrollment. Now is the time when new families start doing their digital research and checking out parishes and schools online.

In this webinar, we share ten easy-to-implement tips and tricks that will delight your most faithful followers, engage your uncertain neighbors, and encourage your entire community on the journey to Easter Sunday.


  • 2:57 – Background on Prenger Solutions Group
  • 5:45 – Why your parish needs to be on social media in the first place
  • 9:51 – Which social media platforms you should use (and why)
  • 11:51 – How often should your parish post?
  • 13:02 – What should your parish post?
  • 16:34 – The best strategy for parish content
  • 19:44 – Parish Case Study – St. Edward in Dana Point, California
  • 22:35 – How to use social media to increase enrollment at your school
  • 27:57 – How to use video to increase participation at Mass and events
  • 30:39 – How to use Facebook Events
  • 33:08 – How to use Facebook ads to promote Holy Week and Easter Liturgies
  • 36:40 – Case Study – St. Dominic in Security, CO
  • 39:27 – Best Lenten content ideas – get social with your fish fry
  • 45:13 – Sample: Use video to share the Holy Week narrative
  • 48:05 – Tip: Surprise and delight your families with kids
  • 49:27 – Overview of tools to help with social media and content creation
  • 51:51 – Resources: How Catholic Social Media can help your parish.

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