Every Catholic has experienced the Sunday to Monday gap. You hear a soul-stirring homily on Sunday that edifies and challenges you, and then Monday morning rolls around and you go back to your normal life. So, what can a parish do to bridge that gap? Here are a few tactics for overcoming the Sunday to Monday gap:
- Record homilies and post them on your parish website for later listening.
- Make an announcement on Facebook each time you’ve uploaded the latest homily.
- Use a parish-wide communications tool such as your e-newsletter or Flocknote to message all parishioners on Monday with actionable items based on the Sunday homily.
- Train clergy and staff to frequently embrace this commitment so it catches on. For example, every parish employee should know to ask any parishioner they meet: “Are you getting our Monday message? And did you know you can listen to archived homilies on our website?”
- Do some research on your own about overcoming the Sunday to Monday gap.
Try this for a few weeks and watch your parishioners begin to make real progress in their spiritual life. Overcoming the Sunday to Monday gap is crucial to making sure that what we preach and receive on Sunday makes it way to the rest of the week. The above tactics should help your community make Jesus the Lord of its collective life – seven days a week!