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Celebrating Clergy Anniversaries

Aug 11, 2019

If you thought finding an anniversary gift for your spouse was hard, try celebrating clergy anniversaries. To help them celebrate the important moments in their lives, here are a few tips:

  • Research the dates most important to your clergy. These could include baptisms, when they were received as converts, when they entered seminary, or when they were ordained.
  • Pass around a card that parishioners can sign and deliver on some of these important dates. These cards should offer prayers and good wishes.
  • Gather a team of volunteers skilled in meal preparation and event planning. Simply place them at the service of your pastor for his ordination anniversary. For example, he may want to host a dinner for everyone in his ordination class. Your volunteers can help him with the details so he can enjoy this important evening.
  • Inform your entire community of these important dates so they can wish your clergy a “happy anniversary”.
  • Anonymous gifts are great (take a look here for some ideas)

These are great ways to let your clergy know you love and support them. It’s just as important to support them as it is the newly baptized. Celebrating clergy anniversaries can (and should be!) part of every parish’s life – and it’s not that difficult!