
A powerful tool that helps you set personalized ask amounts for thousands of donors at a time.


Fundraising automations to delight your donors, streamline gift processing, and save time.

Catholic Social Media

A social media management platform exclusively for Catholic parishes and dioceses.

Stay informed with the latest nonprofit fundraising research and tips.

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Digital Communications

Our social media tools help dioceses and parishes thrive in this new, digital world.

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Catholic Social Media Diocesan Essentials Demo

You’re posting every day to your diocesan social media channels. But if you’re like most dioceses, less than 1% of Catholics in your area follow you online. Sometimes, it feels like you’re shouting into the void. It doesn’t have to be this way. 

Since 2018, Catholic Social Media has been helping thousands of U.S. parishes engage their audiences online. Now we are helping dioceses get content directly into the hands of parishes, increasing the size of the diocesan audience by 10x or more.  

Nic and John will give a full platform overview and live demo of the Catholic Social Media Diocesan Essentials service, which includes how dioceses can upload and schedule social media posts, bulletin inserts, stewardship letters, and fliers for publication directly to every parish.  

They will also share their advice on what kind of content parishes really want and show you how diocesan officials, pastors, staff, and volunteers can collaborate to run an incredible diocese-wide social media program – fast.  

Included in this demo: 

  • How Catholic Social Media works 
  • How to publish content for parishes, including social posts, training videos, fliers, bulletin inserts, and more 
  • How parishes can connect their social media accounts for seamless posting 
  • How to analyze the results 


Nic Prenger

Nic Prenger, J.D.

Nic Prenger

John Rogers, M.A.
Vice President of Parish Services

Nic Prenger

Mitch Fisher
Director of Customer Experience