Ever since Pope Saint John Paul II coined the phrase, the Church has been laser-focused on the New Evangelization. He promised this would bring about a new springtime for the Body of Christ. And there are a lot of tools you can use to bring this springtime about. Here in the CSM office, we talk a lot about a new digital evangelization. Christ is calling us to use new tools to transmit an age-old message that salvation comes from Him.
Catholic Social Media can be a key part of helping see this New (digital) Evangelization occur. Facebook provides the perfect platform. Assuming your parish Facebook page displays your church’s physical address, you can digitally “door knock” in the neighborhood. Every time one of your followers shares a post from the parish, Facebook’s algorithm compares the parish zip code, the follower’s zip code, and the zip codes of his/her Facebook friends. It then places the shared post higher in the feeds of people in your neighborhood.
What are the implications? While you maybe only have 10-20 parishioners who are brave enough to go door-to-door, you have hundreds of parishioners who would be happy to click “like” and “share.” This gets your parish’s content out in the neighborhood – you’re part of the new digital evangelization!