We all have old email addresses we’re not proud of. Sure, there was a time when emailing your friends from “hockeydude83@aol.com” was perfectly acceptable. But there comes a time when we all bid farewell to our youth and get a grown-up email address. As parish staff, you’ve no doubt seen plenty of wild and confusing email addresses. Maybe you’ve had that experience of writing a parishioner and thinking, “Is this address real? Is it even working? Am I going to get a response?” This is where verifying email addresses comes in.
Lucky for you, there are a number of ways to verify whether or not an email address is working. One that John, the managing director here at CSM, uses all the time is Email Hippo. It’s a free online tool that will quietly “ping” an email address for you and give you some basic information about it. He checked one of his old, embarrassing adolescent email addresses, and look at what he found! Yup, John picked that user icon in 1997 because he thought Suleiman’s hat was…well, magnificent.